Embroidery, Textile

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About the exhibitor

Merging 'Kyoto' and 'Tokyo', KYO-TO-TO's brand name represents Japan's traditional and contemporary centres. As an embroidery brand from Kyoto, the company embarks on a creative journey to discover novel ways of preserving culture while pushing the boundaries of embroidery artistry, guided by the concept 'Departing from Kyoto via Tokyo - to the World'.

KYO-TO-TO was established in 2007 by DUOMO CO., LTD, an embroidery company based in Kameoka, Kyotoーa city renowned for its beautiful nature, heavy morning fog, and clean water that creates an ideal climate for growing Kyo-Vegetables. Cherishing their roots, KYO-TO-TO offer a variety of embroidered fashion accessories and household goods inspired by Japanese culture, art, traditional events, and flora & fauna.

About the products

Inspired by Japan's historical and cultural motifs, KYO-TO-TO's products are crafted using carefully selected embroidery techniques tailored for each piece, such as flat embroidery, chain stitches, and Sagara embroidery. KYO-TO-TO offers a diverse range of products, from embroidered patchesーtheir flagship product featuring hundreds of designsー to stickers and iron-on patches, apparel products such as shirts and stoles and fabric panels that can double as interior decorations. All fabrics, as well as the dyeing and sewing processes, are sourced and carried out in Japan.

All photos ©KYO-TO-TO

Location: Supernova Hotel - room 6



