Hello Rotterdam!

Fair 2024 Locations

In September 2024, MONO JAPAN is coming to Rotterdam.

Photo: Petra van der Ree

Since 2016, Amsterdam has been our home. The annual MONO JAPAN fair was held at the Lloyd Hotel until 2019, and then at Loods6 in 2022. While it’s bittersweet to leave Amsterdam after so many years of great memories, we are excited to bring our event to a new setting.

MONO JAPAN Fair began at the Lloyd Hotel, and we wanted to return to a hotel venue. Luckily, we found two beautiful boutique hotels in Rotterdam: Hotel âme and Supernova Hotel.

Between these hotels lies the Nieuwe Instituut, our partner for the cultural program.

Our new locations

MONO JAPAN Fair 2024 will be held in Rotterdam at two boutique hotels. For three days, from September 13th to 15th, the beautiful hotel rooms will transform into exhibition spaces showcasing a curated selection of Japanese products.

Nieuwe Instituut

Our partner in curating the cultural programme for MONO JAPAN 2024

Since 2022, Stichting MONO JAPAN has curated our cultural program. Explore the 2024 lineup, brought to you by Stichting MONO JAPAN in collaboration with the Nieuwe Instituut!

Nieuwe Instituut

Photo: Petra van der Ree